Our strategy is simple, we want to save you time and money by efficiently matching you to the right opportunity. With hundreds, if not thousands of public tenders being posted each week, it could be tricky to browse through them all. It often feels like finding a needle in a haystack. That’s where we step in!
We help navigate, identify and simplify opportunities.
Here’s what we offer:
- Transparency - It's important for suppliers to carefully read and understand the tender requirements. This will effectively showcase their capabilities, experience, and value proposition against it. We do this for you by summarizing tender data and showing eligibility based on your company info.
- Ease of use - We have put years of dedicated research into our product and thus, believe that our enhanced, easy-to-use platform will seamlessly help search public tenders.
- Quick turnaround - We guarantee the fastest turn-around time presently in the market, with immediate match alerts and market research.
To read more about the tendering process and government procurement in the UK, we recommend visiting the official government websites that provide detailed information and guidance on public procurement. Here are some relevant resources:
UK Government's Contracts Finder: The official online platform for publishing UK public sector contracts, including tender notices and contract opportunities. You can access it at: https://www.contractsfinder.service.gov.uk/.
Crown Commercial Service (CCS): CCS is an executive agency of the UK government that provides procurement support and advice. They offer valuable resources and guidance on government procurement processes. Their website is: https://www.crowncommercial.gov.uk/.
The Public Contracts Regulations: The regulations govern public procurement in the UK. They provide legal frameworks and guidelines for the procurement process. You can find more information on the legislation at: https://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2015/102/regulation/33/made.
Official EU Procurement Portal: The UK was previously part of the European Union, and the EU Procurement Directives played a role in UK procurement. While the UK has now implemented its own procurement regulations, the EU portal can still offer insights into procurement practices. The portal is available at: https://ted.europa.eu/.