Find the right plan for your business
- Blazing fast search
- 10 pinned contracts
- Daily email notifications
- Unlimited pinned contracts
- Contract and tender outlines
- Instant notifications
- Teams of up to 5 users
- Discuss with AI about contract tender details
- Advanced search utilizing AI
- Quick eligibility check
- Unlimited size of teams
Frequently Asked Questions
Yes, you can upgrade or downgrade at any time. If you upgrade, you will be charged the difference between your current plan and your new plan. If you downgrade, you will be charged the difference between your current plan and your new plan at the end of your billing cycle.
We offer a much better, deeper search when compared to the official UK government contract service. Our service also focuses on researching the contracts to better understand the requirements and to help you make a better decision on whether to bid or not.
No, you can search as many contracts as you like. We do not limit the number of searches you can perform.
Yes, refunds are available for the first 7 days after subscribing to a paid plan.
We are using Stripe as a payment provider and accept all major credit, debit cards, direct bank wire transfers.
Yes, we aim to help all businesses, especially small businesses with 100K or less annual revenue. Please contact us for more information.
Say goodbye to long queues, big updates, and confusion.
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